Thursday, January 26, 2017


From the Desk of Pastor Jerry 

 1. PRIDE has a learning disability. It's unable to bend it's ear to hear. 
 2. With humility, you have nowhere to go but up. With PRIDE, you're so high that you must go down. 
 3. PRIDE is so blinding that you don't even know you're falling when you're falling. 
 4. PRIDE will have you thinking you have arrived when you haven't even left yet. 
 5. PRIDE will have even the most influential and popular of today waking up irrelevant tomorrow. Lasting Relevance is rooted in humility. 
 6. PRIDE starts off small, comes in slow, builds up fast and ends up huge. Destroy PRIDE before it destroys you.
 7. Those who live with PRIDE in their hearts now will live with regret in their lives later. Swallow PRIDE before you choke on it. 
 8. Humility is an upward staircase and our faith is the rail. PRIDE is a downward staircase and ego is a banana peel. 
 9. Love is not selfish but PRIDE is very selfish. If it's always me first, do a Pride check. 
 10. Arrogance and Anointing don't mix. PRIDE and the Power of God don't have a meeting point. PRIDE can block you away from Divinity. 
 Follow on Instagram @jerry_eze 

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