Saturday, January 21, 2017


From the Desk Of Pastor Jerry 

 1. If you have no one to hold you accountable, SUCCESS could end up being responsible for your greatest failures.
 2. There is no such thing as a true SUCCESS story without a few chapters of failure. So, don't close the book! With God your story ends well. 
 3. A fool envies another's SUCCESS with no understanding of their journey. If you're not willing to go through their lows, don't envy their highs. 
 4. True SUCCESS speaks loudly enough that it's benefactor can keep silent.
 5. People that are really doing it BIG only have to say LITTLE about it. Truly Successful people never have to brag. Their SUCCESS brags for them.
 6. SUCCESS found overnight is usually missing by morning. 
 7. God didn't Favour you so you could brag on your SUCCESS. God gave you SUCCESS so you could brag on His Favour. 
 8. Each piece of your SUCCESS is a part of God's plan to glorify Himself through you. Take none of it for yourself. Don't cheat Him.
 9. Everything moves at the pace of your commitment. You can't half commit if you want whole SUCCESS. 
 10. The moment you empower Failure with an excuse, you leak your SUCCESS energy. 
 Follow on Instagram @jerry_eze 

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