Saturday, January 7, 2017

Awesome 2017

‎From the Desk Of Pastor Jerry 

 Awesome 2017 
 1. This year, always remember: Quitters make excuses. Champions execute moves. Quitters whine. Champions win. Quitters walk away. Champions find a way.#Awesome2017
 2. As the year progresses, realize there are battles you ought not to fight, not because you are afraid or unable to win. Simple reason : ITS NOT WORTH IT. #Awesome2017
 3. This year: Reduce the number of confidants you have. A person with too many friends will always have his/her secrets on the streets.#Awesome2017 
 4. Emotions are thoughts you can feel, so it's not wise to speak everything you feel. Some thoughts should never become words. #Awesome2017 
 5. This year, remember, Everyone is not qualified to speak into your situation. Some words must be challenged, arrested and rejected.#Awesome2017 
 6. In 2017, Be grateful every time God blesses you, even if others see it as a minor blessing . There is no such thing as a 'minor blessing'.#Awesome2017
 7. Were they helpful and amazing in your life last year? As you read this, pick up your phone and send them an SMS now and say THANK YOU. You may have done it before , please do it again. People don't forget grateful people.#Awesome2017 
 8. This year, don't get lost in "I'll do it tomorrow". One day, you might wake up and discover Time, Opportunity and People are gone and the only thing tomorrow holds is regret.#Awesome2017
 9. This year, don't join that group that seldom prays but claim to hear from God, rarely gives but always wants more, dreams big but terribly lazy .#Awesome2017
 10. A struggle is just a challenge. It's not an Identity, address or destination. You aren't your struggle and don't let it define you.#Awesome2017

 I hope this blessed you? Which number is your NOW word? Follow on Instagram @jerry_eze

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