Friday, December 30, 2016

Getting Ready for 2017 Part 4

From the Desk Of Pastor Jerry 

 1. In 2017, Don't talk to Social Media about your problems before you talk to God.
 2. In 2017, don't forget Prayer delays satan's delays, hinders his hindrances and holds up his hold ups and blocks his blockades. Prayer produces breakthroughs. 
 3. In 2017, remember, you don't owe random strangers any apologies for your intentional success. Tell them to be just like the night Jesus was born....SILENT! 
 4. In 2017, When in the presence of Superior Wisdom, it is best to be silent and learn than interject foolishly and still remain very ignorant. 
5. In 2017, taking Pride in your appearance and having the appearance of Pride aren't the same. One promotes confidence. The other exudes arrogance. 
 6. In 2017, you will experience an elevation. Remember, Elevation causes Separation. Your next level might not include everyone that is on your current one.
 7. In 2017, remember, even If you are ready, it still might not be time. Your Passion shouldn't hinder your patience.
 8. In 2017, if they walk by sight than by faith , don't share your Vision with them because they won't see it. 
 9. In 2017, everyday, say something nice to five people . Sow seeds of encouragement daily. 
 10. In 2017, you will be quite successful . Once you get to where you're going, don't forget where you came from. It keeps you humble and grateful. 

 Follow on Instagram @jerry_eze 

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Getting Ready for 2017 Part 3

‎From the desk of Pastor Jerry 


 1. In 2017, Be bold enough to confront, strong enough to forgive and gracious enough to ignore . 
 2. In 2017, Walk away from anyone who ignores your positive qualities and defines you by everything negative
3. In 2017, spend Money more out of necessity and less out of desire.
 4. In 2017, don't expect an out-pour of miracles in a cesspool of sin. Glory clouds usually don't form where sin reigns.
 5. In 2017, always remember that God doesn't mind us being credited, honored or acknowledged for our achievements and success in life but He wants ALL the Glory.
 6. In 2017, In all things, continue to LOVE. Over all things, BE LOYAL. Remain LONGSUFFERING under all. LAUGH with all. LEARN after all.
 7. In 2017, Love harder and you'll live better. Forgive quickly and you'll heal faster. Laugh more and you'll hurt less. Pray first and worry won't win. 
 8. In 2017, when you face challenges, don't react out of emotions . Respond after coming out of Prayer. Prayer helps us focus.
 9. In 2017, don't make who's against you the focus. Refuse to play the Hater Card. Celebrate your Support and thank God for his Favour . 
 10. In 2017, if you believe that the Favour of God is on your life, then do something with it. 

 Follow on Instagram @jerry_eze 

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Get Ready for 2017 Part 2

From the Desk Of Pastor Jerry


 1. In 2017, never embark on a Project without Prayer. Regardless of how prepared, professional or persistent you are, you NEED God.
 2. In 2017, make your life a "No Negativity or Nonsense" zone. Drama of any sort is officially illegal.
 3. In 2017, remember excessive talking doesn't prove you have Good Communication skills. It could prove you lack discipline.
 4. In 2017, be careful not to turn a moment into a monument . Celebrate your Victories, Successes and Achievements....then MOVE ON! 
 5. In 2017, don't forget that God sends people into our lives to push us towards destiny. Satan also sends people to deter us from it. PRAYER helps us discern who is who. Remain PRAYERFUL!! 
 6. In 2017, pay less attention to what they are saying, be more mindful about their actions, very easy way to know what they stand for. 
 7. In 2017, don't drag anyone along who doesn't want to go with you. 
 8. In 2017, a passive prayer life does not defeat an aggressive enemy. 
 9. In 2017, sometimes, you have to stop focusing on the fact that you're sitting on the bench and just take joy that your team is winning. 
 10. In 2017, Humility, Honor and Hardwork always prevail over arrogance and laziness. Strive, Serve and Seek. Success will embrace you. 
 Follow on Instagram @jerry_eze 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Getting set for 2017 Part 1

‎From Pastor Jerry' s Desk


 1. Make your relationship with God a Priority. When your connection with God is topmost, everything falls into place. 2. Nothing about 2017 will change until you fundamentally change the way you do things.
 3. In 2017, be deliberate and cautious about those you let into your inner circle . Unknown to you, you were hugely influenced by those closest to you in 2016. 
 4. In 2017, start what you intend to do on time. No delays; No Procrastination! 
 5. In 2017, better to keep quiet than to lie. After all is said and done, Your Integrity is all that matters. 
 6. In 2017, if what you want is of value, you're not the only person that wants it. You better move before you miss it. 
 7. In 2017, remain genuine . Value Truth over sensationalism. Serve in love and watch God prove, approve and affirm you. 
 8. In 2017, if they don't see your Value, see them later. 
 9. In 2017, always remember that people who have 'no chill' have no next level. Reckless Behaviour is a level stopper but those who exercise wisdom and discipline are promoted. 
 10. In 2017, don't forget , Humility isn't Insecurity but rather the ability to conceal confidence and discipline yourself to operate in excellence without the need for credit.
Follow on Instagram @jerry_eze