Gods word will not change no matter what. Time, circumstances and situations will not change God's word.
God's word will not bend, rather all we bow to Gods word.
2 Samuel 6: 5-8
1* ark was to be touched by only levites of family of kohath. If you are not allowed to touch it then why are you around it. Such as sin, don't stay around it.
2* ark is to be carried by humans , not carts or horses. Isreal carried it like that because philistines carried it like that. You are not a philistine, as covenant children the same rules do not apply. What philistines will do and get away with it a child of covenant will not get away with it.
*threshing floor
Every believer will have a threshing floor experience, a place/ situation that will test what you believe and what you have inside of you is brought out.
It has stumbling potentials. You can stumble but don't fall. If you are sober and vigilant, when occasions to stumble arise you will be alert enough not to fall.
You can stumble with out falling. What is Uzzah doing near the ark. Where are the levites, not carrying and not even near it.
You are the ark of God. Carrying the Holy Spirit.
You carry God inside of you.
Uzzah had good intentions, but it is not an excuse to do what is against Gods word/law.
Jer 18:4
Don't have the help_God mentality have the submit_to_God mentality.
No matter how much or how bad things fall apart, of God is at the center it will hold. No matter how great you have fallen, still go back to God, He will bring you back together Again.
Created for His purpose; Fashioned to bring Him glory.