Sunday, June 16, 2013

God's Way or No way!!!

A believer must always remember that God can never be wrong.
Gods word will not change no matter what. Time, circumstances and situations will not change God's word.
God's word will not bend, rather all we bow to Gods word.

2 Samuel 6: 5-8
1* ark was to be touched by only levites of family of kohath. If you are not allowed to touch it then why are you around it. Such as sin, don't stay around it.
2* ark is to be carried by humans , not carts or horses. Isreal carried it like that because philistines carried it like that. You are not a philistine, as covenant children the same rules do not apply. What philistines will do and get away with it a child of covenant will not get away with it.

*threshing floor
Every believer will have a threshing floor experience, a place/ situation that will test what you believe and what you have inside of you is brought out.
It has stumbling potentials. You can stumble but don't fall. If you are sober and vigilant, when occasions to stumble arise you will be alert enough not to fall.
You can stumble with out falling. What is Uzzah doing near the ark. Where are the levites, not carrying and not even near it.
You are the ark of God. Carrying the Holy Spirit.
You carry God inside of you.
Uzzah had good intentions, but it is not an excuse to do what is against Gods word/law.
Jer 18:4
Don't have the help_God mentality have the submit_to_God mentality.
No matter how much or how bad things fall apart, of God is at the center it will hold. No matter how great you have fallen, still go back to God, He will bring you back together Again.
Created for His purpose; Fashioned to bring Him glory.

God's Way or No way!!!

A believer must always remember that God can never be wrong.
Gods word will not change no matter what. Time, circumstances and situations will not change God's word.
God's word will not bend, rather all we bow to Gods word.

2 Samuel 6: 5-8
1* ark was to be touched by only levites of family of kohath. If you are not allowed to touch it then why are you around it. Such as sin, don't stay around it.
2* ark is to be carried by humans , not carts or horses. Isreal carried it like that because philistines carried it like that. You are not a philistine, as covenant children the same rules do not apply. What philistines will do and get away with it a child of covenant will not get away with it.

*threshing floor
Every believer will have a threshing floor experience, a place/ situation that will test what you believe and what you have inside of you is brought out.
It has stumbling potentials. You can stumble but don't fall. If you are sober and vigilant, when occasions to stumble arise you will be alert enough not to fall.
You can stumble with out falling. What is Uzzah doing near the ark. Where are the levites, not carrying and not even near it.
You are the ark of God. Carrying the Holy Spirit.
You carry God inside of you.
Uzzah had good intentions, but it is not an excuse to do what is against Gods word/law.
Jer 18:4
Don't have the help_God mentality have the submit_to_God mentality.
No matter how much or how bad things fall apart, of God is at the center it will hold. No matter how great you have fallen, still go back to God, He will bring you back together Again.
Created for His purpose; Fashioned to bring Him glory.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Planted to bear fruits 2

Midweek service:
Teacher: Pastor Cyracus Anyanwu

Parable of the sower
Roadside ground: there was not enough contact time between seed and ground.
Stony ground: challenge is that heat dries it up, cause it has no root. Eg emotional christians
This need to invest in personal study, ask questions from people who know so they can understand, get study or prayer partners. Strive to be a complete christian, grounded to be able to stand when temptations come. Knowledge of the word will make you to understand the blessings that come from overcoming temptations and trials. And equip you to overcome.
2nd Corithians 4:17
God sets a boundary for every temptation, making sure its not more you can handle.
James 1:12
2 Timothy 3:12
Overcoming trials and temptation and affliction is easy when you focus on the glory to come after; not on the persecution at present.
Hebrews 12:2
Thorny Ground:
Luke 8:7
It is the sower that can uproot the thorns, the seed cannot succeed if he tries to compete with the thorns. The thorns are better adapted to grow there. So they have no fruit.
Luke 8:14, Mark 4:18-19
These are mature christians who have the holy spirit but do not allow him to have absolute control of all areas of their lives. Eg in business. They set boundaries for the Lordship of Christ In their lives.
Matthew 6: 24-34
1st Timothy 6:9-10
1 peter 5:7
Jame 1:14-15
Good ground: a ground is called good only after it has produced fruits.
Hebrews 6:7-8
Bearing fruits require patience. Keeping the word inspite of sun, thorns, stone requires patience. Hide the word, so the enemy can't steal it because it is precious to you.
Philipians 3: 7-10
Counting all other things as dung, treat the Word as precious.
Hebrews 12:1
The word of God is potent enough to bear fruits in all hearts, we need understanding, obedience and patience to bear fruits.

Created for His purpose; Fashioned to bring Him glory.

The Exceeding mentality part 2

John 10:10-14
God came not just for you to partake of His goodness, but He also wants you partake of greatness.
Jesus came to give
1- Life
2- Life abundantly
Many Christians receive the first and stop at that level.
God wants you to operate at the extraordinary
His goodness is general. So if that is all you ever experience in God, then you are a mediocre, no different from others.
God wants to take you from the practical to the supernatural.
God does the abundance with excellence. Whatever Jesus does is with perfection. None can do it equal or better.
There is nothing outside of Christ that is comparable, if you will approach the excellency of God's abundance.
Jesus used the sheep (most derogatory) because they know how to follow.
Jesus introduces three persons.
The thief- comes to steal, kill and destroy
The Shepherd- owns the sheep
The Hireling- paid to keep sheep eg the pastors, prophets etc. Unable to die for the sheep.
When danger/ enemy comes only the shepherd stays between it and the sheep. So the arrows, battles don't get to you.
It is not only to anticipate His goodness and enjoy it, we should expect his greatness.
The challenges that God allows to get to you, is because He has judged you able to defeat them.
3rd level, Shepherd puts challenge while he trains the sheep to handle it, at the right time when the conquering of it will bring promotion, the challenge will be allowed when the sheep is ready to win. Eg David was prepared with bear and lion, for the goliath that is yet to manifest. So when at the right time David faces goliath it will open the palace to him.
The Sheep is fat and robust because he is following the Shepherd in obedience. The shepherd is able to care for the sheep, but disobedience will prevent the sheep from enjoying the abundance of life.
Created for His purpose; Fashioned to bring Him glory.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The walls shall fall -Day 3

Hebrews 11:30
Jericho walls have stood and none could bring it down, Jericho walls will fall only by faith.
Ignorance will lead to fear, Fear will lead to Doubt
Satan works/ tricks you for you to doubt God. When you doubt God cannot do anything for you.
Mark 11:22
Matthew 14:28-29,31
The reason you sink is because you doubt.
If you have prayed, stop worrying; when you worry, means you have not prayed.
Because those that have prayed will not worry.
Created for His purpose; Fashioned to bring Him glory.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Walls are Fallen -Day 2

There are Walls that are not obvious/ seen(spiritual) like sickness or lack (physical) but are more destructive and kill more than the obvious ones
1st Wall - Ignorance
2nd Wall - Fear
Fear is a spirit and it is looking for where to dwell.
Whoever carries it God turns away from.
It is the strongest walls that the devil uses to hold a believer captive.
Hebrews 13:5-6
Wherever fear is; it is because God is ignored. Because you cannot be seeing God and be afraid. The spirit of fear wants you to diminish the status of your God. Any enemy that needs to first make you afraid before fighting you is small, weak. Satan is small. Satan cannot stand confrontation. Satan has never won any battle. Because he was not created to fight, but to worship. If you want to succeed stay in your calling. Satan went outside his calling and fell.
James 4:7
Goliath is not your problem; the fear of goliath is the problem. Fear is the killer: Job 3:25
How does Satan intimidate?
-Your Ears
God is the one that should speak into your life, because every time that satan speaks he speak lies. He is the father of lies. Jehovah has the final say. Satan sends fear through human ears, those who are not wise buy it. "No weapon formed against you shall prosper", its not a prayer; its a truth
-Your eyes
Uses the physical eyes to create fear by exaggerating. By showing you a wrong picture of your case.
-Your mind
It is where satan sends confusion after feeding it through the ears and eyes.
Created for His purpose; Fashioned to bring Him glory.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Seeing to See

Before I became I christian, I trusted that "seeing is believing" but after I came to the faith. I realised that it is foolishness, cause after seeing what is there to believe.
As I grew in the faith I understood that the seeing that God wants is to see in the spiritual.
God is saying seeing is to see.
I am seeing, because I am seeing I will see.
2 Corinthians 3:18
The word of God is the raw material to produce the miracle(product)
Abraham was set apart for a purpose, God took him through a journey/process, He became obedient, unselfish, full of faith enough to sacrifice his only son, thereby he was already seeing God raise up Isaac. Paving a way for God to give His only son as a lamb of sacrifice.
Behold the glory in God's word and keep seeing, until you see your change
2 Corinthians 4:17-18
Matthew 7:7-8
Isaiah 23 :6
If you keep seeing it, what you do is you have peace.
The temporal must give way to the eternal; the Word is eternal. Seeing into the Word, keep seeing the Word will change what is in the World.
The woman with the issue of blood saw it, so she knew that if she touches the hem of His garment, she will be made whole.
Once you have seen it, nothing will stop you from seeing it.
Don't let what you can see physically hold you bound. It is temporal.
Look into the Word, get the seeing eye and see.

Bible Reading: lamentations 3 :20-40
Created for His purpose; Fashioned to bring Him glory.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Cross my boast

Galatians 6: 11-18
I will boast in the cross
Paul boasted in the cross because of revelation
1st cor 4:7
What I have I reveived.
Wear the garment of humility when you are down. Cause when you are up, achievement makes it difficult to wear humility..
You are a receiver not an achiever. All you have was given.
The decision that the cross is the only way was decided by the Father as the only, that even though Jesus cried blood asking for a change of the pending separation that will happen on the cross from His Father, nevertheless only the will of God will stand. That is the Exclusivism of God
Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac proved his love for God.

Your cross is God's purpose for your life.. You can't find your cross until you have found Jesus.
Some discover their cross. But play with it.
When you discover the purpose of God for your life, you die on it.
What I don't have does not worry me. What I have does not yoke me.
Everything is looking to the cross.
There is not thing left for God to prove
Just as Abraham had nothing else to prove.

Created for His purpose; Fashioned to bring Him glory.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Power to Advance

Mark 4: 35-40
We know so many things, but we do so little.
Progress and Advancement
We approach the subject with advancement the military kind.
Ephesians 2:5
The devil did not give you life, he has no right to claim it
The salvation we have, the one that the devil could not hold. Is a recruitment to the army of heaven
Ephesians 6:10-13
Despite all obstacles and challenges of life we must advance
Even in temptation listen, there is still something God is saying.
They took Him as "He was" in the ship. Jesus was present He not changed, but they forgot about Him
If you refuse the truth you will embrace the lie
Don't be part of multitude
Multitude is not number but attitude that makes some not to cross over
The multitude will forget Jesus
God purpose and plan for your life is to advance you

James 1: 22-25
Created for His purpose; Fashioned to bring Him glory.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The 'Choice' Mentality

Choice gives you power to be in charge
Deuteronomy 30:19
The Holy spirit helps you to reason
* what are the consequences of this decision
The major challenge to choices is emotions
1st Samuel 18: 1
1st Samuel 20:30
Jonathan example of love willing to give his portion to another.
1st Samuel 20: 31
1st Samuel 31:2

Created for His purpose; Fashioned to bring Him glory.

Friday, March 8, 2013

The night of miracles

You cannot know what you know and still be bound.
Genesis 8 :22
We can't know what we know and continue to suffer
Revelation 21 :1
Miracles will not end until problem that defy solutions ends.
Matthew 9:12

1st qualification for miracle.
*Cry of Mercy; asking God for mercy
Eg blind bartimeus
Mercy can not be general, Roman 9:15,18

2nd/ another qualification
*Redemptive/ion right
Salvation qualifies you
Luke 13:16
Galatians 3:29
Created for His purpose; Fashioned to bring Him glory.

Monday, February 25, 2013

When God is my Reward

Genesis 15:1
Ephesians 3:20
1st Corithians 2:9
Genesis 15:6
When God is your reward he does more than you can ask, think
Genesis 12-14
Luke 18:32-33
Be sensitive to grasp the opportunity when it prepares itself, to ask the Lord
When God is you reward, don't play familiarity or religion with God
This is the time to give Him the greatest honour, praise and serve Him
Genen15 :5
Obedience is important
Isaiah 1:8
When God is your reward it is a. Period of far reaching revelations
Gens15 :13
When God is your reward its time for total and absolute obedience

Created for His purpose; Fashioned to bring Him glory.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Dreams and Visions

Genesis 13: 14-17
There are relationships that you need to be able to separated from, habits that you must break; before the Lord can take you to the next level.

Dreams: God showing you where he wants to take you
It is as far as your eyes can see that God will give.
"Having a picture of tomorrow based on the assignment that God has given your life"
Prov 29: 18
Don't walk with a man who is going no where
Using the story of Victor Moses
"Learn to let Go, hold no one in your heart; then God can take you higher"
What God has given to you is your dreams, don't allow anybody to take it from you.
Daniel 2:5
People that lose their dreams reduce and diminish
Why some lose their dreams
1. Temporary Circumstance and situation
What you are going through now should not stop you from going to where you are going
You borrow temporary situations you don't buy them. Example of temporary situation is sickness, hunger, lack, negative situations
"I will not buy it, I will not buy it, I will borrow it"
Example. Jesus did not buy a grave because He knew he will rise on the third day. Joseph arimathea knew Jesus will rise so he borrowed him his grave. Two wise men. Jesus didn't buy what he knew he would not use forever.
2 Cor 4: 17-18
"Unless you can work with God beyond your five senses, you can't enjoy the best of God"
Don't allow temporary challenges to hinder permanent blessings.
You will not know you can kill a lion until one confronts you.
2. Divine delays
Hab 2 :3
Wait for it, it shall surely come
3. False Evidence
Joseph and Jacob Gen: 37:33
False evidence does not hold water with God
Gen 45:25-28
Your wagons of testimony will come as testimony and true evidence
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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Contending for the Faith

Jude 1: 1- 3

1. Faith is delivered to all. Common salvation available to all, so also faith is delivered to all saints.
2. Satan is fighting your faith. Just as Samson hair was as faith, which as long as the Spirit saw growing. He worked through Samson. When you call God He answers and once your faith is intact, God works through.
3. Faith is repeatedly threathened from within the church. The enemy will use people to contend for your faith from within. " The person you are frowning at you can't focus on for blessing"
Don't block channels!
Acts 20 : 29-30
4. Every genuine Christian should contend for the faith.
Jude 1:20: How to Contend
Grow in the Word
Pray in the Spirit: let your prayers be Holy Spirit Inspired
Study, Meditate on the Word
"The word without praying is pride"

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