Thursday, September 15, 2011

Uncertain Unsure

Truly I must confess the waves with its to fro dance.
The wind hither thither tango has more definition than I

I use to rooted like the iroko
Unyielding as the mountains
Confidently flowing as the rivers
Consistent like sunrise

Who will plant me ?
Establish my course
Chart my paths
Bring back stability.

Find me for I am lost

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Really "am confused" is an understatement
But I have no one to blame for this dilemma but myself
Cause so many "if I hadn't" won't change what's done
Now not even one of the options is right or perfect
Each is flawed full of pitfalls.

Life is so disappointing right now
Ain't no ones fault but mine
Too many regrets in the past
Much more scary the future
Wrong turns ; drifts and twists
Is there hope for me yet

Am not my own fan believe me
I know me too well
Those that believe, amaze me
Am my own number one critic
I won't even sell
Those that praise are skeptic

You need to truly know me to understand

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN